
Abel × Zero Doujin 罪天使

Last updated: 2024-08-01
Original source: 『罪天使』by Okuzuke

This is a fan-made doujin shipping the master Zero with Abel from the circle Okuzuke. Vintage and origin are as yet unknown.

The work was xeroxed from source sketches and printed writing onto sheets of printer paper, folded in half and stapled to resemble the thickness of professionally printed doujins.

To date this is the only strictly fan made Black Matrix doujin that we are aware of. Others come from character designer Kyoko "machsoul99" Tsuchiya, and are effectively professionally made setting material galleries.

At any rate, this is one of the few places where one can get a sense for the pulse of the Black Matrix fandom in its early years, and perhaps for how far out of mainstream it was.