The Other Way of Stopping
An infinity pool made gentle waves under the moonlit skyline overlooking Yoyogi Park. The premium attraction for visitors of a certain hotel within Shibuya city limits was under a full moon, three times its usual size in the sky.
Under hues of black and blue were two figures swimming inside, likely not as paying customers.
Elegy sipped her grape juice box between doing laps around the pool. Setsuna was trying to use his wings as an erstwhile flotation device. Both overlooked Shibuya atop a ridiculously expensive glass box.
As Setsuna collapsed again in the water, his low body fat making it quite challenging for him to float, Elegy swam to his side.
“Setsuna, remind me why we’re here, naked, at two in the morning, stealing the comforts of the rich and foolish?” inquired Elegy, her ring-clad index finger tapping her temples.
“Ah, you had a fight with Karen.”
Elegy’s face scrunched up.
“And if we stopped at home to get bathing suits, mom wouldn’t let us leave for weeks.”
Elegy grumbled, “Karen wasn’t THAT rough. Fucking self-entitled wench.”
“Well, I’d agree, if I was only counting your bruises.” Setsuna pointed to two giant bloody streaks running parallel to her shoulder blades by the spine, almost resembling burn marks. “Your back is pretty messed up.”
Elegy shrugged, showing no sign of pain. “No low-hanging jackets for a month or two. I can deal.”
Setsuna smiled, eager to talk about a subject that few knew was near and dear to him “You have a new one on the way?”
“Enchanté. I found a new one in purple hued grey!”
Recalling her (mom’s) conquest in Flamingo Harajuku, Elegy recited, “It’s an 80s-vintage silk Saint Laurent Rive Gauche belted Safari jacket bearing wide lapels, breast pockets and a long satin belt.”
Setsuna raised a finger to his mouth “Very impressive. That’s a bit more sexy than I’d expect mom to allow.”
Elegy turned her nose up, herself not having the same troubles with flotation as her brother. “Well, I don’t think it would hurt YOU to break out of the child star mold.”
Setsuna sank a little more in shock. “Hey, I can be TOUGH!”
“What, like that pair of baggy pants and checkerboard belt with a mesh shirt you got when Mirai upgraded to leather?” critiqued Elegy, uncertain of her brother’s ability to dress himself.
“What’s wrong with mesh shirts?” Setsuna whined, flexing his pecs in the water to channel the best feature of a mesh shirt.
“That’s Backstreet Boys shit!” Elegy flipped her hair to signal her disgust. “That ordures never should have left the 90s.”
“Alright! Fine.” resigned Setsuna. Not that Elegy had trouble changing Setsuna’s mind; he hardly resisted. “Jackets and spats again?”
“No, that’s just your old look!” Elegy pondered the conundrum of how to dress her brother for proper society as the two were gently swimming backstroke side by side around the high-rise pool.
Looking up at the stars, she had a brief inspiration. “How about a biker jacket with a diagonal zipper? Shorts over spats. And please, skip the Nazi shit.”
“The iron crosses were just a phase!” pouted Setsuna.
“No, but really. I think Mirai would like that.” smirked Elegy.
“So would I!” declared Takajou, boldly standing on top of a lamp in his usual dress, overlooking the naked siblings. Setsuna promptly darted in front of Elegy with wings out, Elegy eagerly accepting the cover.
“Go fuck right off, Takajou!” shouted one very cross Elegy. “We’re having a heart-to-heart.”
“Oh, is it not fair to admire my beau and his precious sister–?” Takajou’s nose was broken instantly by the deviant trajectory of a brick.
“Go HOME!” Elegy offered two middle fingers as a smiling Takajou, pride slightly shattered, fell like a feather towards the streets below.
“I guess our cover’s blown.” sighed Setsuna, showing slight concern for his boyfriend. “Shall we go shopping tomorrow?”
Elegy nodded as she dressed herself in school clothes. Her quest to give Setsuna better fashion sense had just begun.